Baby Names for Nakshatra Mrigasira

Mrigasira is the fifth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, represented by the deer, and its ruling planet is Mars. Known for its qualities of intellect, curiosity, and exploration, Mrigasira Nakshatra is often associated with individuals who have a keen sense of purpose, seeking knowledge and new experiences. If you’re searching for meaningful baby names for a child born under Mrigasira, it’s essential to choose a name that reflects these characteristics while also aligning with the celestial influence of the Nakshatra.

Mrigashira/Magayiriyam (Ve, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo)

Here’s a table of 100 baby names for Nakshatra Mrigasira, using the letters Ve, Vo, Ka, and Ki. The names are arranged in alphabetical order and include the gender and meaning for each name.

KaajalFemaleEyeliner; Symbolizes beauty
KaarikaFemaleDoer; One who takes action
KaaveriFemaleName of a holy river in India
KaavyaFemalePoem; Poetic
KabirMaleGreat; Generous
KaiaFemaleEarth; Pure
KailasMaleName of a sacred mountain
KailashMaleAbode of Lord Shiva
KairavMaleWater lily; Lotus
KaivalyaUnisexLiberation; Absolute independence
KalindiFemaleSun; Name of a river
KalpitMaleImagined; Created
KalpitaFemaleImagined; Created
KalyaniFemaleAuspicious; Blessed
KanavMaleIntelligent; Wise
KandarpMaleGod of love
KanhaMaleAnother name for Lord Krishna
KantiFemaleGlow; Radiance
KanvarMaleYoung prince
KaranMaleCause; Reason
KarthikMaleSon of Lord Shiva
KashishFemaleAttraction; Magnetism
KashviFemaleShining; Bright
KasturiFemaleMusk; A fragrant substance
KaustubhMaleName of a divine jewel
KaveriFemaleName of a holy river in India
KavishMaleKing of poets
KavyaFemalePoetry; Literature
KayaanMaleBeginning; Existence
KedarMaleName of a sacred place
KeerthiFemaleFame; Glory
KeshavMaleOne with beautiful hair; Lord Krishna
KetakiFemaleA fragrant flower
KetanMaleHome; Dwelling
KetkiFemaleA fragrant flower
KevalMaleAlone; Only
KevikaFemalePoem; Poetry
KeyurMaleBracelet; Ornament
KiaFemaleHill; Earth goddess
KiaanMaleAncient; King
KianMaleKing; Ancient
KiaraFemaleSmall; Dark
KinnariFemaleCelestial musician
KiranUnisexRay of light
KirtiFemaleFame; Glory
KishoriFemaleYoung girl
KivanMaleHappy; Joyful
KomalFemaleTender; Soft
KoushikMaleDescendant of Kushika; An owl
KrishMaleShort form of Krishna
KrishnaMaleDark-complexioned; An avatar of Vishnu
KritiFemaleCreation; Composition
KritikaFemaleA star cluster; Pleiades
KshitijaFemaleBorn of the earth
KuhuFemaleNew moon day
KuldeepMaleLamp of the family
KumarMalePrince; Young boy
KumariFemalePrincess; Young girl
KumkumFemaleVermilion; Saffron
KundanMalePure gold
KunikaFemaleCurious; Inquisitive
KushMaleName of Lord Rama’s son
KushagraMaleSharp as grass
KushalMaleSkilled; Efficient
KushankMalePart of the Kush clan
VedaUnisexKnowledge; Sacred text
VedantMaleUltimate knowledge
VedantaFemaleEnd of knowledge; Philosophy
VedikaFemaleAltar; Stage
VeerMaleBrave; Courageous
VeeraFemaleBrave; Courageous
VeerajMaleKing of the brave
VegaFemaleSpeed; Swiftness
VenkatMaleAnother name for Lord Vishnu
VidhiFemaleDestiny; Fate
VidyaFemaleKnowledge; Learning
VijayMaleVictory; Conqueror
VihaanMaleDawn; Beginning of a new era
VikasMaleDevelopment; Progress
VikramMaleValorous; Strong
VimalMalePure; Clean
VinayMaleHumble; Modest
VineetMaleHumble; Well-mannered
VirenMaleBrave warrior
VishalMaleLarge; Magnificent
VishnuMalePreserver god in Hindu trinity
VivaanMaleFull of life
VivekMaleWisdom; Knowledge

This table is arranged alphabetically, providing baby names for the Nakshatra Mrigasira along with their meanings and genders.

Find More Baby Names by Nakshatra

Nakshatra/StarSuggested Syllables for Baby Names
Ashwini/AwasthiChu, Che, Cho, La, Chay
BharaniLee, Lu, Le, Lo, Li
Krittika/KrithikaA, Ee, U, Ea, I, E
RohiniO, Ba, Bi, Bu, Vee, Va, Vi, Vu, Bee
Mrigashira/MagayiriyamVe, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo
Ardra/ArudraGha, Na, Chha, Ku, Kam
Punarvasu /PunarthamKe, Ko, Ha, Hi
Pushya/PooyamHu, He, Ho, Da
Ashlesha/AyilyamDee, Doo, Day, Do, Di, Du, De
Magha/MakamMa, Me, Mu, Mi
Purva Phalguni/Pooram PubbaMo, Ta, Ti, Te
Uttara Phalguni/Uttara/UtramTo, Pa, Pi
Hasta/AthamPu, Poo, Sha, Tha
Chitra/ChithiraPe, Po, Ra, Ri
Swati/ChothyRu, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo
Vishakha/VisakamTe, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha/AnizhamNa, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne
Jyeshtha/TrikettaNo, Ya, Yi, U, Yu
Mula/MoolamYo, Ye, Bhi, Bha, Bh
Purva Ashadha/PurvashadaBhu, Dha, Pha
Uttara Ashadha/UthradamBhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Shravana/ThiruvonamKhi, Khee, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ju, Je, Jo
Dhanishta /AvittamGa, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee
Shatabhisha/ChathayamGo, Sa, Si, Su, S, See
Purva Bhadrapada/PururuttathySe, So, Da, Di
Uttara Bhadrapada/UthrittathyDu, Tha, Jha, Tra
Revathi/RevatiDe, Do, Cha, Chi

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