Astrological Baby Names

100 Top New and Unique Baby Names by Nakshatra

Moon’s Nakshatra at birth is also referred to as Janma Nakshatra or simply Nakshatra. Below is a list of all 27 Nakshatras:

This table organizes all Nakshatras systematically, making it easy to Find Baby Names by Nakshatra .

Find Baby Names by Nakshatra
AsleshaMaghaPurva PhalguniUttara Phalguni
Purva BhadraUttara BhadraRevati

Find Baby Names by Nakshatra can be a meaningful way to embrace your cultural heritage. Each Nakshatra has specific sounds associated with it, influencing the name selection.

Nakshatra/StarSuggested Syllables for Baby Names
Ashwini/AwasthiChu, Che, Cho, La, Chay
BharaniLee, Lu, Le, Lo, Li
Krittika/KrithikaA, Ee, U, Ea, I, E
RohiniO, Ba, Bi, Bu, Vee, Va, Vi, Vu, Bee
Mrigashira/MagayiriyamVe, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo
Ardra/ArudraGha, Na, Chha, Ku, Kam
Punarvasu /PunarthamKe, Ko, Ha, Hi
Pushya/PooyamHu, He, Ho, Da
Ashlesha/AyilyamDee, Doo, Day, Do, Di, Du, De
Magha/MakamMa, Me, Mu, Mi
Purva Phalguni/Pooram PubbaMo, Ta, Ti, Te
Uttara Phalguni/Uttara/UtramTo, Pa, Pi
Hasta/AthamPu, Poo, Sha, Tha
Chitra/ChithiraPe, Po, Ra, Ri
Swati/ChothyRu, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo
Vishakha/VisakamTe, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha/AnizhamNa, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne
Jyeshtha/TrikettaNo, Ya, Yi, U, Yu
Mula/MoolamYo, Ye, Bhi, Bha, Bh
Purva Ashadha/PurvashadaBhu, Dha, Pha
Uttara Ashadha/UthradamBhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Shravana/ThiruvonamKhi, Khee, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ju, Je, Jo
Dhanishta /AvittamGa, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee
Shatabhisha/ChathayamGo, Sa, Si, Su, S, See
Purva Bhadrapada/PururuttathySe, So, Da, Di
Uttara Bhadrapada/UthrittathyDu, Tha, Jha, Tra
Revathi/RevatiDe, Do, Cha, Chi

Baby Names by Nakshatra: A Guide to Choosing Auspicious Names

In Indian astrology, the Nakshatra, or lunar mansion, under which a child is born plays a significant role in determining their personality and destiny. Naming a baby based on their Nakshatra is a tradition that aligns the child’s name with cosmic energies, potentially bringing harmony and prosperity to their life. This practice is deeply rooted in Vedic astrology and continues to be popular among parents seeking meaningful and auspicious names for their children.

The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras, each associated with specific characteristics and ruling deities. Each Nakshatra is further divided into four padas or quarters, and specific syllables are assigned to each pada. These syllables serve as the starting sounds for names that resonate with the child’s Nakshatra. By choosing a name that begins with the appropriate syllable, parents can ensure that their child’s name is in harmony with the cosmic vibrations present at their birth.

For example, if a child is born under the Ashwini Nakshatra, names beginning with “Chu,” “Che,” “Cho,” or “La” are considered auspicious. Similarly, for the Rohini Nakshatra, names starting with “O,” “Va,” “Vi,” or “Vu” are recommended. This system provides a structured yet flexible approach to naming, allowing parents to select names that are both meaningful and culturally significant.

Beyond the astrological significance, choosing a baby name by Nakshatra can also be a way to honor family traditions and cultural heritage. Many families have a history of following these practices, and continuing this tradition can strengthen familial bonds and cultural identity.

In conclusion, selecting baby names by Nakshatra is a thoughtful and meaningful practice that combines astrology, tradition, and personal preference. By aligning a child’s name with their Nakshatra, parents can imbue their child’s identity with positive energy and cultural significance, setting the stage for a life of harmony and success. parents to explore a rich variety of names.