Baby Name For Rohini Nakshatra With Vee

Explore Top Baby Name For Rohini Nakshatra With Vee. The names are listed in alphabetical order and include the gender and meaning for each name.

Baby Name For Rohini Nakshatra With Vee
Baby NameGenderMeaning
VeedharaFemaleStream of wisdom
VeedhiFemaleStreet, path
VeekshaFemaleObservation, supervision
VeekshanaMaleVision, sight
VeenaFemaleA musical instrument
VeenadharMaleOne who holds the Veena
VeenajaFemaleBorn of the Veena
VeenapaniFemaleOne with Veena in hand
VeendharaFemaleHolder of knowledge
VeeraMaleBrave, courageous
VeerabhadraMalePowerful form of Lord Shiva
VeerajMaleShining with bravery
VeerajaFemaleBorn of a hero
VeerandraMaleLord of the brave
VeeranganaFemaleHeroic woman
VeeranjanaFemaleDecoration of the brave
VeeranshMalePart of a hero
VeerappaMaleFather of heroes
VeeravalliFemaleCreeper of bravery
VeerbhadraMaleBrave and auspicious
VeerendraMaleLord of the brave
VeerjotMaleLight of bravery
VeerkumarMaleBrave prince
VeermaniMaleJewel of bravery
VeerprabhuMaleLord of the brave
VeerrajMaleKing of the brave
VeersenMaleArmy of the brave
VeersimhaMaleLion among the brave
VeervanshMaleLineage of the brave
VeervijayMaleVictory of the brave
VeeryashMaleGlory of bravery
VeeshaFemaleRuler, controller
VeeshajMaleBorn to rule
VeeshakaMaleObserver, supervisor
VeeshakhaFemaleA star constellation
VeetMaleFree from, without
VeetabhayaMaleFree from fear
VeetadoshaMaleFree from faults
VeetaragaMaleFree from attachments
VeetashokaMaleFree from sorrow
VeevaanMaleFull of knowledge
VeevardhanMaleIncreasing knowledge
VeevekMaleWisdom, discretion
VeevikaFemaleDiscriminating wisdom
VeevritMaleFree from doubts
VeeyashMaleGlory of knowledge
VeeyuktaFemaleEndowed with knowledge
VeeyutMaleSeparated, distinct
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