Baby Name for Revati Nakshatra

Revati Nakshatra is associated with nurturing and compassion, making it an ideal influence for selecting a baby name. Names that reflect these qualities often resonate well with the traits of individuals born under this star. Consider names that embody kindness and creativity to honor this celestial connection.

Revathi/Revati (De, Do, Cha, Chi)

Baby NameGenderMeaning
ChaandavelaGirla king of creeper
ChaalakaBoyone who drives
ChaamundiGirldurga, killer of demons
ChaarubaalaaGirlbeautiful young girl
ChaaruchandraBoybeautiful moon
ChaarudhaaraGirla beautiful woman
ChaaruhaasaBoyone who has a beautiful smile
ChaaruhassineeGirlone who has a beautiful smile
ChaarulataaGirlbeautiful creeper
ChaarumateeGirlone who has endowed with beauty
ChaarusheelaGirla beautiful woman with good character
ChaaruvaakeeGirla woman who speaks sweetly
ChaarvangaBoyone with beautiful body
ChakorBoya bird enamoured of the moon
ChakradharBoylord vishnu
ChakradharaBoyone who wields the disc
ChakragadaadharaBoywho holds ‘chakra’ i.e. sharp circular missile and mace
ChakrapaalitaBoyprotector of the disc
ChakravartiBoya sovereign
ChakreeBoya universal monarch, vishnu, krishna
ChakreeBoysupreme being, wind
ChakshuBoyan eye
ChakshushaBoyrelated to eyes
ChamaasaBoya vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the soma juice
ChamakaliGirlan ornament worn by woman
ChameleeGirla creeper with flowers
ChampaGirla flower
ChampaaGirla yellow flower
ChampaakaleeGirla bud of champa
ChampaavarneeGirlone who has the complexion of a champa flower
ChampabatiGirlbud of champa
ChampakaveleeGirla creeper with flowers
ChamundaaGirlan aspect of shakti
ChanchalBoyrestlessness; quick
ChanchalaGirlrestlessness; quick
ChandaBoydreadful, angry
ChandaalikaaGirllow-caste woman
ChandaamshuBoythe sun
ChandakBoythe moon

This table presents a variety of meaningful names for boys and girls born under the Revati Nakshatra, perfect for your baby’s unique identity.

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Nakshatra/StarSuggested Syllables for Baby Names
Ashwini/AwasthiChu, Che, Cho, La, Chay
BharaniLee, Lu, Le, Lo, Li
Krittika/KrithikaA, Ee, U, Ea, I, E
RohiniO, Ba, Bi, Bu, Vee, Va, Vi, Vu, Bee
Mrigashira/MagayiriyamVe, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo
Ardra/ArudraGha, Na, Chha, Ku, Kam
Punarvasu /PunarthamKe, Ko, Ha, Hi
Pushya/PooyamHu, He, Ho, Da
Ashlesha/AyilyamDee, Doo, Day, Do, Di, Du, De
Magha/MakamMa, Me, Mu, Mi
Purva Phalguni/Pooram PubbaMo, Ta, Ti, Te
Uttara Phalguni/Uttara/UtramTo, Pa, Pi
Hasta/AthamPu, Poo, Sha, Tha
Chitra/ChithiraPe, Po, Ra, Ri
Swati/ChothyRu, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo
Vishakha/VisakamTe, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha/AnizhamNa, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne
Jyeshtha/TrikettaNo, Ya, Yi, U, Yu
Mula/MoolamYo, Ye, Bhi, Bha, Bh
Purva Ashadha/PurvashadaBhu, Dha, Pha
Uttara Ashadha/UthradamBhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Shravana/ThiruvonamKhi, Khee, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ju, Je, Jo
Dhanishta /AvittamGa, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee
Shatabhisha/ChathayamGo, Sa, Si, Su, S, See
Purva Bhadrapada/PururuttathySe, So, Da, Di
Uttara Bhadrapada/UthrittathyDu, Tha, Jha, Tra
Revathi/RevatiDe, Do, Cha, Chi

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