Baby Name for Sravana Nakshatra With Khee

This list provides unique Baby Name for Sravana Nakshatra With Khee, along with their genders (boy or girl) and meanings, arranged in alphabetical order. These names are inspired by the qualities associated with Sravana Nakshatra, such as wisdom, learning, and cosmic connections.

Baby Name for Sravana Nakshatra With Khee
KheelaGirlDivine play
KheelakBoyPillar of wisdom
KheelakaBoyCelestial nail
KheelanaGirlPlayful as Krishna
KheemaBoySoft-hearted devotee
KheemaniGirlJewel of wisdom
KheemantaBoyPossessing divine knowledge
KheemeshBoyLord of wisdom
KheenaGirlDelicate as moonlight
KheenashBoyLord Shiva (destroyer)
KheendraBoyLord Indra (king of gods)
KheepraBoySwift as divine thought
KheeraGirlMilk of divine knowledge
KheerabdhiBoyOcean of divine nectar
KheerajaGirlBorn from divine nectar
KheeranBoyOcean of milk
KheeranidhiBoyTreasure of divine nectar
KheerasagaraBoyOcean of divine milk
KheerathBoyDevotion to cosmic wisdom
KheerdharBoyHolder of divine nectar
KheeriGirlEssence of divine grace
KheerishBoyLord of divine nectar
KheertiGirlDivine fame
KheertidaGirlGiver of divine fame
KheertidharBoyBearer of divine fame
KheertimanBoyPossessing divine fame
KheertiGirlDivine glory
KheertikaGirlLittle star of fame
KheertimaliniGirlGarland of divine fame
KheertimayaGirlFull of divine glory
KheertimukhiGirlFace of divine glory
KheertipradaGirlBestower of divine fame
KheertipriyaGirlLover of divine fame
KheertirupaGirlForm of divine glory
KheertivardhanBoyIncreaser of divine fame
KheertivatiGirlPossessing divine fame
KheesBoyLord Vishnu (preserver)
KheetBoyDivine knowledge
KheetaGirlSwift as divine thought
KheetakaBoyProtector of divine knowledge
KheetanBoyDweller of divine realms
KheethaGirlEssence of divine wisdom
KheetiGirlDivine cultivation
KheetikaGirlLittle divine one
KheetishBoyLord of divine knowledge
KheevanBoyLife blessed by divinity
KheeviGirlBeloved of the divine
KheevyaBoyDivine life force
KheeyaGirlDivine boat
KheeyanBoyGift of the divine
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