Baby Name for Ashlesha Nakshatra

Baby names for Ashlesha Nakshatra reflect the qualities of wisdom, determination, and resilience associated with this birth star. These names are thoughtfully chosen to align with the Nakshatra’s traits, offering auspicious and meaningful options for boys and girls. Each name carries a unique essence, symbolizing strength, intellect, and spiritual growth for a prosperous life.

Ashlesha/Ayilyam (Dee, Doo, Day, Do, Di, Du, De)

DeekshaGirlConsecration for a religious ceremony
DeekshaaGirlTo take a vow from ‘Guru’
DeenaBoyOne who is in need
DeenaaGirlOne who is in need
DeenaanathaBoyLord of the needy
DeenabandhuGirlFriend of the poor
DeendayaalaBoyHumble, merciful
DeepBoyA lamp
DeepaaGirlA shining woman
DeepaaleeGirlA row of lights
DeepaayanaBoyPathway of a lamp
DeepabaliGirlRow of lamps
DeepakalikaaGirlThe flame of a lamp
DeepaliGirlRow of lamps
DeepanBoyLighting up
DeepankarBoyLord of light
DeepankaraBoyOne who lights the lamp
DeepanwitaGirlLit by lamps
DeepaprabhaGirlFully lighted
DeependraBoyLord of the light
DeependuBoyBright moon
DeepeshBoyLord of light
DeepikaGirlA lamp
DeepikaaGirlOne who shows the way
DeepmalaGirlRow of lamps
DeeptaaGirlRadiant beauty
DeeptaamshuBoyRay of light
DeeptamoortiBoyGod who is brilliant and lustrous
DeeptanshuBoyThe sun
DeeptenduBoyBright moon
DeeptiGirlFlame; lustre
DeeptikanaGirlA beam of light
DeeptimaanaBoyRadiant beauty
DeerghatapaaBoyOne who performs penance for a long time
DevBoyGod; king
Dev KumarBoySon of gods
DevaadidevaBoyFirst god among the gods
DevaagniBoyPure holy fire
DevaamshuBoyPart of god
DevaanandaBoyJoy of god

This table presents a variety of meaningful names for boys and girls born under the Aslesha Nakshatra, perfect for your baby’s unique identity.

Find More Baby Names by Nakshatra

Nakshatra/StarSuggested Syllables for Baby Names
Ashwini/AwasthiChu, Che, Cho, La, Chay
BharaniLee, Lu, Le, Lo, Li
Krittika/KrithikaA, Ee, U, Ea, I, E
RohiniO, Ba, Bi, Bu, Vee, Va, Vi, Vu, Bee
Mrigashira/MagayiriyamVe, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo
Ardra/ArudraGha, Na, Chha, Ku, Kam
Punarvasu /PunarthamKe, Ko, Ha, Hi
Pushya/PooyamHu, He, Ho, Da
Ashlesha/AyilyamDee, Doo, Day, Do, Di, Du, De
Magha/MakamMa, Me, Mu, Mi
Purva Phalguni/Pooram PubbaMo, Ta, Ti, Te
Uttara Phalguni/Uttara/UtramTo, Pa, Pi
Hasta/AthamPu, Poo, Sha, Tha
Chitra/ChithiraPe, Po, Ra, Ri
Swati/ChothyRu, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo
Vishakha/VisakamTe, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha/AnizhamNa, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne
Jyeshtha/TrikettaNo, Ya, Yi, U, Yu
Mula/MoolamYo, Ye, Bhi, Bha, Bh
Purva Ashadha/PurvashadaBhu, Dha, Pha
Uttara Ashadha/UthradamBhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Shravana/ThiruvonamKhi, Khee, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ju, Je, Jo
Dhanishta /AvittamGa, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee
Shatabhisha/ChathayamGo, Sa, Si, Su, S, See
Purva Bhadrapada/PururuttathySe, So, Da, Di
Uttara Bhadrapada/UthrittathyDu, Tha, Jha, Tra
Revathi/RevatiDe, Do, Cha, Chi

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